Friday, January 14, 2011

The New Look and Looking Forward

So here's the new look for my blog, complete with the latest and freshest tweets I can come up with.  Don't know where the blog's going to go this year, but I look forward to the things that will set off fireworks in my mind until I send them soaring into cyberspace by writing them here.  

We'll start with what I am looking forward to this year.  I have to admit that 2011 doesn't bring near the landmarks that last year did, but there are still things I am excited about:
  1. Our staff offices are getting a pretty decent transformation.  Trisha has been working hard with painting and today, we got a surprise notification that new carpet would be laid tomorrow.  That had us working for a couple of hours moving everything.  It's going to look fantastic in there.
  2. The HSPN Tournament at Liberty University.  It will be my first trip out there.  Can't wait for all the fun we're going to have and the games we will play.
  3. Summer camp - need I say more?
  4. The next book in the Wingfeather Saga - The Monster in the Hollows.  Andrew Peterson is hard at work writing as we speak...or I type.
That's good for now.  I have to admit, I find it hard to write about things of this nature because they don't really work me into a creative mood.  I take deep delight in forging a sentence that is well structured, dressed with flowing adverbs and adjectives.  Hope to have a few of those soon.

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