Monday, November 24, 2008

An Amazing Sunday

Yesterday was an amazing day at my church, North Ridge Bible Chapel. While every time we gather with other believers to worship the Lord and be fed from His Word should be special, this one was spectacular.

It began as it does every Sunday at my church with the Lord's Supper. While every other church I have been to in my life follows this sacrament twice a year, North Ridge Bible Chapel remembers the Lord with the feast each and every week. The service consists of the thoughts from God's Word, songs lifted up from the hymnal, and prayer to God, followed by the actual remembrance of our Lord and Savior through the breaking of the bread and drinking of the cup. It is always a sweet time that consists of nothing but worship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The second service was a special time as there was plenty to do. First, we recognized with other believers around the nation Bible Sunday. How grateful we all should be to have the Word of God in our language, in abundance, in freedom to enjoy it!

Then we had a special baptismal service. Several were baptized and half of them were kids and young people I have had the opportunity to minister to in the past. It nearly brought me to tears to see these people publicly proclaim that they had died with Christ and rose again through the picture of baptism.

There was special music performed by three ladies in our church, two of which I have had the opportunity to minister to and now with. How amazing it is to see those you minister to grow into strong Christians who desire to serve the Lord and minister to others!

The message was a simple one, but it was a presentation of the Gospel. I never grow tired of hearing the truth of salvation for it is the amazing story of God's wondrous love for sinners like me, for sinners who may be need to hear the message.

I went away fully refreshed and thankful for the wonderful time with God's people. My church is not a perfect church, and in many ways, it may fall short of so many other churches out there. But it is the body of Christ, desiring to lift one another up and direct each other to the Lord Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to have spent my time there this past Sunday.

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